
Class 2 - Chapters 1 - 3 and more ArcGIS work


Class discussion involving Part 1 of the book, Introduction. Part 1 is comprised of 3 chapters. This will provide a foundation of where the field of cartography has been and where it is going.


Chapter 1 - Cartography Today

  1. Differentiate between analog and digital cartography.
  2. Describe how the relationship between mapping and society in general is being changed by the technological revolution.
  3. Describe the 2 important functions a map has served in the science of cartography.
  4. List the 2 distinct products that have satifsy each of the 2 functions of a map.
  5. Compare the role of the cartographer of past compared to now and the future.

Chapter 2 - Nature of Cartography

  1. Describe how cartography fits into our endeavor to know and communicate
  2. List the basic characteristics all maps share
  3. Describe several objectives of maps
  4. Define general reference map
  5. Defne thematic maps
  6. Define charts
  7. Describe the series of transformations that occur during the cartographic process.

Chapter 3 - History of Cartography

  1. Describe some of the earliest know maps.
  2. Describe how geometry affected mapping
  3. Describe how the dark ages affected cartography and mapping
  4. Describe how the enlightenment affected cartography and mapping
  5. Describe how the concept of distribution affected cartography
  6. Describe how the concept systems/ecological thinking affected cartography
  7. Describe the major technological advances that changed cartography


  • Cartography
  • analog cartography
  • digital cartography
  • revolution
  • digital database
  • visualization
  • standards
  • literacy
  • articulacy
  • numeracy
  • graphicacy
  • map
  • locations
  • attributes
  • transformations
  • abstractions
  • signs
  • symbolism
  • marks
  • map scale
  • small-scale
  • large-scale
  • general reference maps
  • thematic maps
  • charts
  • cadastre
  • data domain
  • ladder concept
  • tree concept
  • stick charts
  • church maps
  • concept of distribution
  • systems/ecological thining
  • ecological modeling


Chapter 1 - Cartography Today

Chapter 2 - Nature of Cartography

Chapter 3 - History of Cartography


Class time spent on locating GIS data on the web. Download and use what you like!


  • Create a map of one county or several counties (an area of interest) but not the entire state.
  • Download data from
    • http://www.nconemap.com/
    • NC DOT GIS Unit
    • The county you choose
    • You could also get data from USGS or any other source you choose.
  • Pick a topic for your map... examples include ...
    • Eastern NC Swine Farms with 1/4 mile of a Public Water Supply
    • Mapping my watershed
    • Benthic Monitoring Sites in Upper Ivy Creek, Buncombe County
  • Process the data to suite your needs. Select / clip / merge / export or other wise process the data as you need.

You must complete a map during this class or by the next class. Post a copy of the map to your blog.

Pay close attention to the map layout demo in class.

Include in your map layout:

  • Title
  • Legend
  • Scale bar
  • North arrow
  • Locator map

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