Class discussion involving Part 1 of the book, Introduction. Part 1 is comprised of 3 chapters. This will provide a foundation of where the field of cartography has been and where it is going.
Chapter 1 - Cartography Today
- Differentiate between analog and digital cartography.
- Describe how the relationship between mapping and society in general is being changed by the technological revolution.
- Describe the 2 important functions a map has served in the science of cartography.
- List the 2 distinct products that have satifsy each of the 2 functions of a map.
- Compare the role of the cartographer of past compared to now and the future.
Chapter 2 - Nature of Cartography
- Describe how cartography fits into our endeavor to know and communicate
- List the basic characteristics all maps share
- Describe several objectives of maps
- Define general reference map
- Defne thematic maps
- Define charts
- Describe the series of transformations that occur during the cartographic process.
Chapter 3 - History of Cartography
- Describe some of the earliest know maps.
- Describe how geometry affected mapping
- Describe how the dark ages affected cartography and mapping
- Describe how the enlightenment affected cartography and mapping
- Describe how the concept of distribution affected cartography
- Describe how the concept systems/ecological thinking affected cartography
- Describe the major technological advances that changed cartography
- Cartography
- analog cartography
- digital cartography
- revolution
- digital database
- visualization
- standards
- literacy
- articulacy
- numeracy
- graphicacy
- map
- locations
- attributes
- transformations
- abstractions
- signs
- symbolism
- marks
- map scale
- small-scale
- large-scale
- general reference maps
- thematic maps
- charts
- cadastre
- data domain
- ladder concept
- tree concept
- stick charts
- church maps
- concept of distribution
- systems/ecological thining
- ecological modeling
Chapter 2 - Nature of Cartography
Chapter 3 - History of Cartography
Class time spent on locating GIS data on the web. Download and use what you like!
- Create a map of one county or several counties (an area of interest) but not the entire state.
- Download data from
- The county you choose
- You could also get data from USGS or any other source you choose.
- Pick a topic for your map... examples include ...
- Eastern NC Swine Farms with 1/4 mile of a Public Water Supply
- Mapping my watershed
- Benthic Monitoring Sites in Upper Ivy Creek, Buncombe County
- Process the data to suite your needs. Select / clip / merge / export or other wise process the data as you need.
You must complete a map during this class or by the next class. Post a copy of the map to your blog.
Pay close attention to the map layout demo in class.
Include in your map layout:
- Title
- Legend
- Scale bar
- North arrow
- Locator map
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