Today we'll begin introducing 'Earth Map Relations'. We will begin talking about Geodesy and measuring the shape and the size of the earth. We'll also discuss latitude and longitude and the graticule.
- Define geodesy
- Discuss some of the early approximations of the earth's shape and size
- Describe geographic coordinate systems
- Identify important lines of latitude and longitude
- Define datums and list several
- List the 3 ever more accurate approximations of the earths shape and size
- Define ellipsoid
- Define geoid
- Describe the difference between grid/true north and magnetic north.
- Discuss how horizontal control evolved in the United States
- Convert between Degrees minutes and seconds to decimal degrees
- Add XY data in ArcMap
- Geodesy
- Ellipsoid (spheroid)
- Authalic sphere
- World Geodetic System 84 (WGS 84)
- oblate ellipsoid
- geoid
- equipotential
- geographic coordinates
- latitude
- longitude
- geodetic latitude
- prime meridian
- graticule
- great circle
- small circles
- geographic or true directions
- compass variation
- magnetic declination
- constant azimuth
- rhumb line
- geodetic control points
- survey monument
- North American Datum 1927 (NAD 27)
- North American Datum 1983 (NAD 83)
- bench mark
Download the PowerPoint Here - Chapter 4 - Basic Geodesy
Virtual Campus: Understanding Map Projections and Coordinate Systems
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